Tosoh has long realized that good corporate citizenship is an essential foundation for its business strategies, such as harnessing technology and achieving sustainable growth.
Over the years, this awareness has been blended into every facet of our business, becoming an integral part of our operations. We have developed programs, established standards, set goals, and put in place assessment functions. Here we take a look at how Tosoh Guangzhou's vinyl benefits society as a low-environmental plastic.
Four Reasons Why Vinyl is a Low-Environmental Impact Plastic*
1. Conserves Resources
Vinyl products use approximately 60% less petroleum than other plastics.
2. Long Lasting
Over 50% of vinyl products last 15 years or more. This is when compared to other leading plastics, such as high-density polyethylene, low-density polyethylene, polystrene, ABS, and polypropylene.
3. Helps Fight Global Warming
The manufacture of vinyl products produces low CO2 emssions. The production of steel water pipes releases more than 3 times the emissions of vinyl pipes. While glass produced for greenhouses release emissions more than 53 times that of vinyl sheets used in similar applications.
4. Contributes to Recycling
Approximately 50% of vinyl sheet for greenhouses is recycled.
*For more information, please visit the Vinyl Environmental Council's website (external link)